14 December, 2016

An introduction of sorts

     Hello fellow bloggers.

     It's been a while since I put words together to form a body of text. Years actually. Life has a tendency to carry on rolling by while you fantasize about the billions of pounds you'll never have and the Brazilian pool-boy in a sequined thong bringing you tea. Next thing you know, you've got a baby in the cradle, a wedge of post-caesarean fat across your stomach - streaked with livid 'how could you do this to me' stretch marks - and so many holes in your memory that your brain has become a sieve, quite literally. Well now that things have become more settled in my now upside-down world, I realised that I finally have some inspiration back in my heart and a truck-load of topics right in my home. Thanks to my ever so charming daughter, Harlow. My joy. My darling. My muse! My... Oh fuck, it's crying. Make it stop! Make it stop!

     I've had an interesting journey into motherhood; all self-inflicted which has made for interesting conversation, as I have been single for the past 7 years. I get a lot of, "You and your partner must be so proud."
     "Your fella is a lucky guy."
     "I didn't know you had a boyfriend..."

     Clearly the question here is, 'who's the daddy', but no-one can ask the long-term singleton the simple question because the judgement here is, 'she totally had a one-night stand. Whore.'

     Actually, the answer isn't as sordid as you'd expect. Short version: I wanted a baby but my eggs are 'scrambled' and I wasn't prepared to wait for Mr Right any longer, so I had IVF and used donor sperm. Ta-daaa! This baby was wanted, this baby was planned, and this baby is the best thing I ever did. My daughter is now three months old and so far she has survived so I'm doing pretty good at this single-parent thing (#thumbsup.) I'll go through the much longer and complex version in later posts, but for now, that's us in a nutshell.

     This blog will be a place for me to share my enjoyments and my hardships as a mother, I'll be doing reviews on products I use for my daughter, and I'll be posting images of our lives to remember the moments as she grows. I will be serving the realistic and blunt views of my experience, with a side order of humour. It's all about the baby bants! Please feel free to comment any topics below you'd like me to write about and I hope you enjoy reading my blog for breakfast :)

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