10 January, 2017

Mummy Moment

     I had a little ‘Mummy Moment’ today.
     I've been doing a lot of floor-play with Harlow now that she's much better at tummy time, and for the past week, we have been practising the 'roll over'. I lay her on her back, grab either her right or left leg, wrap it over the other and pull until she rolls onto her tummy. She normally gets her arms trapped beneath her and takes some time to bring them up. Sometimes she gets too grumpy and I have to help her. It’s good fun though and it’s good for her to get used to using her muscles.
     Today, we started as we normally do, only this time when I pulled her left leg over the right, she rolled herself the rest of the way and whipped her arms straight up! I was so excited that I had to FaceTime my Mum right away to demonstrate Harlow’s new development. Of course when under pressure, Harlow developed stage freight instead and Mum got grumpy Granddaughter…
     Even though she hasn’t fully rolled over by herself yet, and even though this is what we are practising for, the feeling you get inside when your child learns a new skill is so profound. It’s a feeling of sheer joy, excitement, pride and love; all interwoven to create an emotion never felt before. An emotion that is nameless. (I will simply refer to this as the 'Parent Emotion'.) This was a moment that will be etched in my heart; the mummy moment I experienced before she hit the milestone of rolling over. It was a beautiful moment I shared with my daughter and the first time I truly felt that sense of pride as a parent.
     I’ve realised something today. As Harlow will be going through so many changes this year as she develops new skills and hits new milestones, that most likely, we will share this moments alone. Just her and I. (And the cat, of course.) This may be selfish but I think that’s pretty cool. I have the front row seat to the world premiere of Harlow Reine Hookway. I am the creator and director of this show, I look forward capturing each moment with her, and I can’t wait for my next Mummy Moment <3

My girl learning to sit and doing tummy time xx

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